NSA Day Of Cyber


In this section you will learn facts about the NSA. The knowledge you gain in this section will help you better understand cyber careers at the NSA.

Day of Cyber Registration

Please complete the following steps in order to register for the NSA Day of Cyber.

  1. Go to https://prod.lifejourney.us 
  2. Click the Sign Up Box in the upper right corner
  3. Fill in the following information:
    1. Role: Student
    2. Email: Your Email
    3. Registration Key: or5je2y (must be typed exactly as seen)
  4. Click Continue
  5. Fill in the following information about you:
    1. First Name: Your First Name
    2. Last Name: Your Last Name
    3. Gender: Male or Female
    4. Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, Non Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian, Black/African American, White/Caucasian, Other, or Rather Not Say
    5. Age: Type your age in box (Must be at least 13 years or older)
    6. Grade: 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th , 12th , Junior College, College, Other
    7. Major: Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Information Systems/Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Health Science, English, Art, Psychology, Communications, Other, or Undecided
  6. Password: Create your own password (Make sure you write down your password)
  7. Verify Password: Retype the password you created (Make sure you type your password exactly as you did above)
  8. Write down your email you used and the password you created and put somewhere you will be able to find it if you need it
  9. Check the box beside I agree to Life Journey's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  10. Click I'm done. How's this?

Day of Cyber Course

Now that you are registered you are able to begin the course. You are able to leave and return to the course at any point. Below are the items you will need to complete in order to earn your certificate stating that you are a certified student of the cyber experience.

  1. Welcome
  2. About You
  3. 1st Journey
  4. Career Skills
  5. 2nd Journey
  6. 3rd Journey
  7. Counterintelligence Field Trip
  8. 4th Journey
  9. 5th Journey
  10. 6th Journey
  11. 7th Journey
  12. Cyber Challenge Level 1 Field Trip

Congratulations!!!! Hopefully, by now you have completed all the steps and earned your certificate. For more fun with the NSA you can try their CryptoChallenges.

NSA CryptoChallenge

Each week the NSA releases on their Facebook page a CryptoChallenge. CryptoChallenges are substitution ciphers that when solved you are left with a message or fact from the NSA. The NSA releases the answer to the previous weeks puzzle with the new puzzle for the week.

Challenge your friends and see who can solve the weekly CryptoChallenges the fastest. The weekly challenges can only be accessed through Facebook. If you don't have a Facebook account don't create one as there are other ways to solve CryptoChallenges. The weekly CryptoChallenges on Facebook only work on non-mobile devices. If you really like the weekly challenges or cannot access the weekly challenges there is an app you can get in the app store called NSA CryptoChallenge. The app has many CryptoChallenges that you can solve and you can learn a wide varied of knowledge.

These puzzles are not a required part of the course. However, they are a great way to learn more about the cyber world and the NSA.

NSA CryptoChallenge App

The app is available in the app stores and works with most devices. There is ten different puzzle categories with a different number of puzzles in each category. The categories are: "Green" Facts - 20 puzzles, American Milestones - 31 puzzles, Business and Technology - 20 puzzles, Cybersecurity - 27 puzzles, Famous Quotes - 61 Puzzles, History of NSA - 45 puzzles, Pop Culture Trivia - 25 puzzles, Stem Trivia - 19 puzzles, Women in STEM - 33 puzzles, and World Culture & Cuisine - 20 puzzles. You can try all of these puzzles at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced level setting. The puzzles in the app are similar to the puzzles the NSA puts out for their weekly challenge.